Thursday, February 05, 2009

I love Jesus, but I drink a little.

Derek posted this funny Ellen video last night on Twitter (and was quick to point out that he, by no means, watched her show). I laughed so hard that I had to post it here. I love Ellen...and I'm proud enough and man enough to admit it. She makes me laugh like nobody else on TV can.

If that makes me less of a man, then so be it.

Hopefully you'll find this as funny as I did:


Anonymous said...

not less of a man, just less of a christian j/k

Anonymous said...

Oh and I've seen Ellen call Gladys several times and they are all hysterical!!

Boki Mame said...

Dave, that was freakin' funny. Ellen and Gladys are two funny ladies. I love Jesus and drink a little too;-)